Saturday, March 7, 2015


I'm still kind of pissed so here are some thoughts (listen to the song Truce while you read >)

Hope is a powerful word

 It has a powerful meaning  It's a lot more than a word

Hope is why I get up in the morning 

Hope is why I push myself to be better.  

Hope is why I'm here. 

 It sucks to lose hope. Actually it's the worst freaking thing can happen to you. 

 But what do I know?

 Did Terik and Hunter loose sight of Hope?  

I don't know.  

I didn't know their situation.  I didn't know their problems.  I didn't know what they hoped for.  

And that's my problem, I never tried to know. 

 And That's not just my problem, that's my guilt, that's my shame.  

 If 12 years of school has taught me anything it's that life can suck.

But 18 years of life and Mr. Nelsons creative writing class has taught me that you can always 

find Hope again. 

I know that in school we are not supposed to talk about religion or God.  

But I can't help but think that if we did Terik and Hunter might still be here.

There is a God.

And he is why I get up in the morning.

He is why I push myself to be better

He is why I am here.

So I choose to stay

So if you find yourself throwing open the door and stepping onto the balcony

facing your own mortality

Take a second and push out that voice in your head

Look up and step back

Remember why you're here

 Because there is always a reason for you to stay
Find what's important to you.  

Find your reason to live, choose to stay.  

And remember that there is always someone that knows exactly the kind of Hell you're going 


                                                                  |-/ Stay Alive

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Real Talk

Will the real Ben King Please stand up?

Hello My name is Ben, and if you really knew me you'd know that I love heights and that I'm 


to falling

and the only reason I get back up is so I can fall again
and so 

I fall



It's weird to love something that hurts you

So this is for the people and things that have made me feel like I was falling

This is for my elementary school principal

This is for the VCR players

This is for the Red, White and Blue, also X, Y and Z

You made a Hell of a difference

This is for the second string bench warmers and for the benches

This is for the window you Dreamt out of

This is for every drop of blood

You made a Hell of a difference

This is for Amelia Earhart and Anis Mojgani

This is for the addicted and for the sober

This is for the fathers and the mothers, the Light and the Dark

You made a Hell of a difference 

This is for Cornelia and Celeste and Navy and Sam and Luna and Tom and all you other lost poets

Because I can't remember every time I fell but I can remember every time I hit the ground 

and it was all of you that helped me climb up again



Sunday, December 14, 2014

I Won't Forget

I won't forget my moms 2 miscarriages. I won't forget my first dog.  I won't forget my first grade teacher.
I won't forget how much I hated my fourth grade teacher.  I won't forget the moment I learned to ride a bike.

I won't forget the first time I heard T.O.P.  I won't forget my first date.  I won't forget being embarrassed.  I won't forget what she said to me on the bus even though I want to.  I won't forget Craig.  I won't forget or forgive myself for what I did that night.  I won't forget when I moved.

I won't forget getting the lowest score in the class.  I won't forget the first night that me and my best friend hung out.  I won't forget the first time I snuck out.  I won't forget this class.  I won't forget the screen door at my old house.  I won't forget the time when the baby bird fell out of the tree.  I won't forget her face even though her name is lost forever.  I won't forget that man on the street in Oregon.  I won't forget those glasses. 

I won't forget what I saw that night.  I won't forget the look of disappointment in his face or the sound of it in his voice.  I won't forget the stars or the moon.  I won't forget that stupid red hoodie.  I won't forget when I accidentally tripped my sister. 

I won't forget the importance of remembering. 

I won't forget the importance of forgetting.

I will always remember what it feels like to forget.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

People DO care

I hate when I find myself saying "I Don't Care"

Because I do care

I care about my friend

It doesn't matter who you are or where you are or what your circumstance is, someone cares about you and if you left they would be Destroyed

We need to stop thinking that it's cool to be neutral, if you care about something or someone don't hide it.

So sorry Twiggy but your wrong, people DO care.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Shame on us

I HATE when I hear that someone has taken their own life

I hate myself, I hate others

I hate that this person did not feel loved or cared for

I hate that he felt alone

Shame on us

This child of God felt like he wasn't good enough

Shame on us

You Never know what someone is going through, so stop making the Hell that we are all living worse for others so that you can feel better about yourself.

A smile is a simple thing that seems rare these days  It's so easy to do, and that's why no one knew

But being HAPPY is much harder, especially if you're alone

We all have dirty hands, but dirt cleans off a lot easier then blood

Shame on us

No one should feel like they have no one to talk to.  No one should feel worthless

Shame on us

Shame on us

Shame on me