Sunday, October 26, 2014

What makes you happy

Who cares what other people think?

Throw your fears and insecurities on the floor and dance on them.

Do what makes you happy!

Are you really going to make yourself miserable to please people rhat you don't even like?

Sing when you want, dance when there's music (or not), punch the wall if you're angry.

Because when you're 72 and you're voice is to weak to sing, when you're to frail to dance, and you have already punched holes through all the walls you're going to regret not doing what makes you smile.

My greatest fear is a gift

I hate to look back, I'm afraid to look back

Because you can only look, you can't touch

You can't walk back and revisit old times

And that becomes more and more apparent as life goes on

But you can't know where you are going until you know where you have been

You can't change what you've done, but you can remember it

So take notes as you go

Stop every once and a while, move over to the slow lane

Because pretty soon you will be to far away to look back and see anything 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to be totally miserable

1. Complain about everything!
2. Play video games and watch t.v everyday
3. Follow all of the rules
4. Go to school without any tardies or absences ALL year
5. Take all of the hardest classes you can
6. Be what other people want you to be
7. Have lots of friends that you never talk to outside of school
8. Be home on time and go to bed early
9. Never go on any dates
10. Never put yourself in awkward situations
11. Don't break stuff when you get mad
12. Keep track of the days
13. Only listen to Tab Choir
14. Never take a side
15. Never sneak out