It's not my real name of course
It's something I decided people on the web should know me by so that they don't judge my writing on things I did in 1st, 7th and 10th grade. Because it's to hard to let go of the past.
The real Tyler Joseph is a songwriter and poet. He is a basketball player that turned down a full ride scholarship to make music. He bleeds creativity.
But now lets talk about me. I'm the kind of kid that gets left and right confused, but never up and down. Because I like to think that all of us are looking up.
I love to climb on things. Chairs, buildings, mountains, because the higher you get the farther you can see.
I hate the ocean because the only way to go is down unless your a good swimmer. And it's dark down there, to many unknown places and things.
"I'll stay awake, 'cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight."
I'm self conscious about things. I don't like to admit defeat. I am very naive when it comes to people. I like to believe that people tell the truth instead of saying stupid lies. I get lied to a lot.
I still sleep with a lamp on in the corner of my room. I'm not quite friends with the dark but I can't sleep with all of the lights on either.
I hope to inspire others, and fly. It's not fair that insects can fly and people can't. So please bear with the miss spelled words, the confusing sentences and my attempts to inspire.
And remember
Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life...So let it Begin.
"It's not fair that insects can fly and people can't."