Sunday, December 21, 2014

Real Talk

Will the real Ben King Please stand up?

Hello My name is Ben, and if you really knew me you'd know that I love heights and that I'm 


to falling

and the only reason I get back up is so I can fall again
and so 

I fall



It's weird to love something that hurts you

So this is for the people and things that have made me feel like I was falling

This is for my elementary school principal

This is for the VCR players

This is for the Red, White and Blue, also X, Y and Z

You made a Hell of a difference

This is for the second string bench warmers and for the benches

This is for the window you Dreamt out of

This is for every drop of blood

You made a Hell of a difference

This is for Amelia Earhart and Anis Mojgani

This is for the addicted and for the sober

This is for the fathers and the mothers, the Light and the Dark

You made a Hell of a difference 

This is for Cornelia and Celeste and Navy and Sam and Luna and Tom and all you other lost poets

Because I can't remember every time I fell but I can remember every time I hit the ground 

and it was all of you that helped me climb up again



Sunday, December 14, 2014

I Won't Forget

I won't forget my moms 2 miscarriages. I won't forget my first dog.  I won't forget my first grade teacher.
I won't forget how much I hated my fourth grade teacher.  I won't forget the moment I learned to ride a bike.

I won't forget the first time I heard T.O.P.  I won't forget my first date.  I won't forget being embarrassed.  I won't forget what she said to me on the bus even though I want to.  I won't forget Craig.  I won't forget or forgive myself for what I did that night.  I won't forget when I moved.

I won't forget getting the lowest score in the class.  I won't forget the first night that me and my best friend hung out.  I won't forget the first time I snuck out.  I won't forget this class.  I won't forget the screen door at my old house.  I won't forget the time when the baby bird fell out of the tree.  I won't forget her face even though her name is lost forever.  I won't forget that man on the street in Oregon.  I won't forget those glasses. 

I won't forget what I saw that night.  I won't forget the look of disappointment in his face or the sound of it in his voice.  I won't forget the stars or the moon.  I won't forget that stupid red hoodie.  I won't forget when I accidentally tripped my sister. 

I won't forget the importance of remembering. 

I won't forget the importance of forgetting.

I will always remember what it feels like to forget.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

People DO care

I hate when I find myself saying "I Don't Care"

Because I do care

I care about my friend

It doesn't matter who you are or where you are or what your circumstance is, someone cares about you and if you left they would be Destroyed

We need to stop thinking that it's cool to be neutral, if you care about something or someone don't hide it.

So sorry Twiggy but your wrong, people DO care.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Shame on us

I HATE when I hear that someone has taken their own life

I hate myself, I hate others

I hate that this person did not feel loved or cared for

I hate that he felt alone

Shame on us

This child of God felt like he wasn't good enough

Shame on us

You Never know what someone is going through, so stop making the Hell that we are all living worse for others so that you can feel better about yourself.

A smile is a simple thing that seems rare these days  It's so easy to do, and that's why no one knew

But being HAPPY is much harder, especially if you're alone

We all have dirty hands, but dirt cleans off a lot easier then blood

Shame on us

No one should feel like they have no one to talk to.  No one should feel worthless

Shame on us

Shame on us

Shame on me

Sunday, October 26, 2014

What makes you happy

Who cares what other people think?

Throw your fears and insecurities on the floor and dance on them.

Do what makes you happy!

Are you really going to make yourself miserable to please people rhat you don't even like?

Sing when you want, dance when there's music (or not), punch the wall if you're angry.

Because when you're 72 and you're voice is to weak to sing, when you're to frail to dance, and you have already punched holes through all the walls you're going to regret not doing what makes you smile.

My greatest fear is a gift

I hate to look back, I'm afraid to look back

Because you can only look, you can't touch

You can't walk back and revisit old times

And that becomes more and more apparent as life goes on

But you can't know where you are going until you know where you have been

You can't change what you've done, but you can remember it

So take notes as you go

Stop every once and a while, move over to the slow lane

Because pretty soon you will be to far away to look back and see anything 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to be totally miserable

1. Complain about everything!
2. Play video games and watch t.v everyday
3. Follow all of the rules
4. Go to school without any tardies or absences ALL year
5. Take all of the hardest classes you can
6. Be what other people want you to be
7. Have lots of friends that you never talk to outside of school
8. Be home on time and go to bed early
9. Never go on any dates
10. Never put yourself in awkward situations
11. Don't break stuff when you get mad
12. Keep track of the days
13. Only listen to Tab Choir
14. Never take a side
15. Never sneak out

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Gods Greatest Gifts

Pen Names
2 hands
Pain Killers
Paper Airplanes
Good Teachers
Will Smith

But Mostly 

Family and Friends

Saturday, September 27, 2014

These Bricks are Heavy

I've been carrying these bricks for a while

I can't find a good place to put them 

I don't want someone else to find them and pick them up

Because these bricks are heavy

I remember when I found them

They looked so nice
different colors
different shapes

they told me that these bricks were beautiful
but none of that matters because my back is breaking from all that "beauty"
I find a cliff and dump the bag
I look out and see others
dumping their bricks
I see the smiles on their faces

I see their backs straighten up

I see them glow

Together we fly off to places unknown

We see the people on the ground, bags over shoulders

Why can't they fly?

What's weighing them down?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

5 more minutes

I wish I had 5  more minutes with my brothers before they left for 2 years

I wish I had 5 more minutes to tell her how sorry I am

I wish I had 5 more minutes so that I could get that kiss

I wish I had 5 more minutes with my dog before he died

I wish he had 5 more minutes with his father before he died

I wish there were 5 more minutes of A1

I wish there were 5 less minutes of A2

I wish I had 5 more minutes before I had to tell her goodbye

I wish I had 5 more minutes to write this post

I wish I had 5 more minutes to figure out how precious time is.

Love is Like...

Love is like a good song

 Fast and Slow, Loud and Soft.  3rds and 4ths and minor 5ths

But whenever a good song comes about there are always those that hate.  They are the disturbers of harmony


Love is like broken glass

You can try to piece it back together using tape and glue, which may not always work

Or you melt all the pieces down to create something entirely new

Love is like the wind

You can't see it but you can feel it

It pushes and pushes, and sometimes pulls, until you are to weak to fight against it

Love is the other side of a barbed wire fence

You see the fence, you see the other world

You just have to decide if that world is worth the pain


Love is like that scab you can't stop picking

Even though it hurts you keep scratching and it keeps bleeding but you still do it over and over again


Love is big and small, red and blue, dark and light

Love is apples and oranges

Love is and always will be.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Bucketlist

Here is short list of things I plan to do before I die

  • Kiss a girl
  • Get in a fight

  • Meet  the real Tyler Joseph |-/
  • Learn to Play Drums
  • Tell my brother that I love him
  • Become a teacher 
  • Save someone
  • Climb Mount Everest 
  • Skydive
  • See the northern lights
  • Outlive my brother
  • Not cry at the end of Click
  • Cry at the end of The Notebook
  • Be in a movie with Will Smith
  • Scare someone so bad that they pee themselves
  • Make someone laugh so hard that they pee themselves
  • Be part of a flash mob
  • Become a Con Man
  • Go swimming with an expensive suit on
  • Con someone into giving me an expensive suit
  • Read the Terms and Conditions of something
  • Get a tattoo of something inspiring
  • Laser the tattoo off when my parents find out
  • Hire Shamoo to leap over me and my wife when we get married
  •  Ride Shamoo
  • Die riding Shamoo


What does it mean to be Human?

The Dictionary gives an awful example

Human: of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people: 

An antonym for Human is Immortal

Are you immortal? Am I immortal?

I guess we will just have to wait and see

Because who knows when our final moment will be

It could be 10 years, 10 minutes, some of us may only have a few seconds.  And we all know those people that aren't immortal because a stone with their name inscribed on it gives us that gentle reminder that we are all fragile

But I'm not wasting my time, I don't wear a watch because whenever I see a clock I see every second of my life floating off the clock and into the sky, out of reach

I know that I'm human because I like to imagine being more then human, doing something that no other human can because being human is over rated, do something more with your life

Help those that can't help themselves, find fun when it seems that there is none.  Make something that forces people to wonder,

"What can I do that nobodies done."


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Shout Outs

Shout out to the trees, and the bees. For being part of the system that gives us that life giving oxygen

Shout out to those people who know the difference between YOU and ME

Shout out to the rest of the people that forget your name and are to shy to ask you for it again

Shout out to the light.  No shout out to the dark

Shout out to the people that care and care and care even when you don't

Shout out to good people that keep this world spinning on and on

Shout out to Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, you won't be lost forever

Shout out to diversity and the people that are ok with change

Shout out to the single mother with 3 jobs and 7 kids

Shout out to minorities

Shout out to the girls that have never been asked to a school dance

Shout out to condoms, thank you for keeping stupid people from having children

Shout out to those that make it their life goal to inspire others

One last Shout out people who smile despite all the pain

Friday, August 29, 2014

My name is Tyler Joseph

It's not my real name of course

It's something I decided people on the web should know me by so that they don't judge my writing on things I did in 1st, 7th and 10th grade. Because it's to hard to let go of the past.
The real Tyler Joseph is a songwriter and poet. He is a basketball player that turned down a full ride scholarship to make music. He bleeds creativity.

But now lets talk about me. I'm the kind of kid that gets left and right confused, but never up and down. Because I like to think that all of us are looking up.

I love to climb on things. Chairs, buildings, mountains, because the higher you get the farther you can see.

I hate the ocean because the only way to go is down unless your a good swimmer. And it's dark down there, to many unknown places and things.
"I'll stay awake, 'cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight."

I'm self conscious about things. I don't like to admit defeat. I am very naive when it comes to people. I like to believe that people tell the truth instead of saying stupid lies. I get lied to a lot.

I still sleep with a lamp on in the corner of my room. I'm not quite friends with the dark but I can't sleep with all of the lights on either.

I hope to inspire others, and fly. It's not fair that insects can fly and people can't. So please bear with the miss spelled words, the confusing sentences and my attempts to inspire.

And remember
Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life...So let it Begin.